SEO and SEM (specifically AdWords) is basically easy. It just requires a LOT of babysitting. You have to watch your campaigns and traffic like a hawk, keep tabs on EVERY action relating to your site and tweak things with a light touch as appropriate. I honestly feel like I'm raising a child. Actually it's closer to playing a game like Starcraft, but you get the point. The more constructive attention and micro management you give it, the more successful it ends up being.
Why am I bringing this up? Well because I am in the process of reworking my job's website for the umpteenth time.
I end up reworking this website once every month or so. Tweaking copy, adjusting the layout, etc. To date since I've been affiliated, there has been a total of 3 major iterations with hundreds of small ones in between.
The upcoming Version 4 will be a major redesign but will be largely influenced by Version 3. The major difference this time around is that it will be almost entirely designed and structured SPECIFICALLY FOR SEO AND ADWORDS! The manager decided he wants to make an aggressive grab for new clients and wants me to spearhead their online marketing campaign.
I immediately started researching the ins and outs of AdWords and found out that, like I stated above, it's like raising someone from childhood to adulthood and then some. I know exactly how I should run the campaigns but as it stands, the website is not even remotely satisfactory in SEO. Off the top of my head, I know I'm going to have to delete at least 2 pages, add 7 more, and rework the rest to be very AdWords friendly
I guess continuing with the metaphor of raising children, the rebuild is going to be Myself and the site's mother (Google? The internet? I don't exactly know.) actually conceiving and birthing the child. This will be the 4th trimester of the pregnancy. (off topic wouldn't be trimester would it? More like quadmester or something. I plan on this being the last stage before the whole campaign rollout).
Anyways, silly analogies aside, I'm actually excited to get back in to internet and search engine marketing. I've been out of the game for a while but when I finish this site with the new copy and awesome landing pages, I feel like I can almost guarantee success with AdWords. You can almost hear the customers calling in.
Now, about that budget...That's the true struggle.
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