First off, I should discuss how Google divides storage among users. I was bored in class last week and came up with this very rough estimate for storage allocation:
- Gmail - 10Gb
- Google Drive - 5Gb
- Google Play Music - About 80Gb (Assuming 20,000 songs uploaded at aproximately 4Mb/song)
- Picasa Storage - Unlimited Pictures and Videos (1gb if over size constraints)
- YouTube - Unlimited Videos within size constraints
Total storage - 96Gb MINIMUM
This is very generous of Google and I assume that the ad revenue they make from users make these services pay for themselves. However, as an average user who has been dabbling in Chrome OS a bit, I have some concerns.
On my Windows PC, I am very anal about my file structure. I have hundreds of organized folders and subfolders that really do help increase my productivity. I feel like Google Drive should be Google's version of my obsessive compulsion. For example, here is how I have my Drive folder structure at the moment:
On my Windows PC, I am very anal about my file structure. I have hundreds of organized folders and subfolders that really do help increase my productivity. I feel like Google Drive should be Google's version of my obsessive compulsion. For example, here is how I have my Drive folder structure at the moment:
Google has all of this space spread across all these different services, but in order for Chrome OS to become a true desktop replacement, people are going to want to access all of their content in ONE place. Drive should be the hub for all the content across Google services. The would not even have to redistribute the space. They could simply automatically do the file structure for users based on the services they sign up for. If a user uploads an MP3 to Drive, there will be a meter at the bottom saying "you have used # of your allowed ## songs" (similar to the bottom of the Gmail page). Though the MP3 will show on drive, it will actually be uploaded to Google Play Music (if the user puts it in the music folder and it has a specific file type). When a user clicks on a song, it would redirect them to their Google Play Music page. Similarly Videos would redirect to YouTube, Documents would open in Docs, and Emails would open in Gmail. All drive should do is give the user the ability to see what content they have submitted to Google in one dashboard location. Sharing could be managed here much easier than going between so many different service home pages. It becomes a little overwhelming.
What I would eventually like to see is Google just take the 96+ GB or whatever and give it to users as straight space. I will never EVER use 10Gb in Gmail, but I may have more than 5Gb of Documents and random files. I understand this defeats the purpose of drive, as they want people to purchase more space, but it's a nice pipe dream to consider. The best step Google could make for Drive right now is to make it the aggregate of your entire Google existence.
In addition, I realize the ability to have all uploaded files in one place may be a concern for Google in terms of piracy or corruption. I think the lists shown under the media folders (music, videos, etc) would be READ ONLY and when clicked would be directed to the particular service that deals with those files. There would have to be some sort of barrier so that if someone wanted to just upload a file for sharing and not public viewing, they would be able to download it at will. Perhaps each media folder would have a "linked" and "unlinked" subfolder. Linked files are uploaded to the respective services, while unlinked files are only available for download or viewing IF SUPPORTED, but not direct sharing (IE youtube, etc).
Thoughts? Suggestions? Leave a comment.
*UPDATE - 7/2/13* Called it. Google now merged Picasa, Drive, and Gmail storage in to one 15 GB limit. We kind of got screwed on space but at least it's cohesive now.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Leave a comment.
*UPDATE - 7/2/13* Called it. Google now merged Picasa, Drive, and Gmail storage in to one 15 GB limit. We kind of got screwed on space but at least it's cohesive now.
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