Well the job hunt has gone on a little longer than I had hoped. With the exception of a few temp jobs and a pretty sporadic part time project based position, I have been technically unemployed.
I could go in to great lengths blaming this on a number of reasons. The economy, my poor life choices, and two cats in heat fornicating in my back yard would be my top picks. Regardless of the reasons why, this is what it is.
After discussing my situation with some close friends, I realized that I need some projects to keep my mind on the ball. As such, I've decided to use this particular blog as an outlet for these "projects".
I might post a paragraph explaining an idea one day, and a full blown summary of an imaginary marketing campaign the next. The whole point of this will be to share ideas in ways that they immediately affect my life.
I hope this might help me hone my skills and learn to appeal more to companies and employers. What I want to do in life is bring complicated concepts, mainly computing, down to a human level. I've always been keen on understanding the world around me and I take pride in facilitating others in this same pursuit.
Whether or not this actually results in me obtaining a position is irrelevant. It would simply be icing on the cake. This is just a creative outlet to keep me from losing my mind.
If you are interested in me, I can be contacted / investigated / stalked in a number of ways. Twitter and Google+ are the best ways. LinkedIn is a close second. I reserve my Facebook for "people I actually know IRL" so better not to contact me through there.
Thanks for reading
-Joel Sacco